Landscaping Service
Ever seen one of our strong, experienced workers dig a trench with their bare hands? It’s pretty incredible, really, what they can do with hand tools.
In smaller areas where equipment access is limited, our team uses powerful jack hammers, pick axes, breaker bars, and specially shaped shovels to loosen hard, compacted dirt and separate it from frequently encountered rocks in the soil. We then use heavy duty hand trucks to move the earth and stone as necessary around the property.
And while a two man team can get quite the hole or trench dug in a day, when possible we really prefer to make use of our beautiful earth moving equipment. We have several options and attachments on hand, each of which is designed for optimizing the excavation effort.
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Clearview Landscaping is the premier provider of landscaping services in the Santa Barbara area. For over 20 years, we’ve been transforming bland outdoor spaces into beautiful sanctuaries with integrity.
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“Every time my sellers have gone with Clearview the property value of their home has increased dramatically prior to selling it.”

- Justin E. (via Yelp)

“Transforming your property is a carefully orchestrated sequence of deeply interconnected steps.
It takes vision to create beauty. Organization to deliver quality. Communication to maintain harmony. And unwavering integrity to respectfully manage your project from start to finish.
That’s why working with a single contractor like Clearview ensures success.”